Smart Soaker

The Smart Soaker is typically made from concrete, polycrete, plastic or fiberglass. Water enters the pit in 2 ways:
1. via the pit lid which may typically comprise of a grate or permeable pavement.
2. via piped infrastructure into the side of the pit.
Water in the pit passes through a filter before being conveyed sub-surface to the area intended to be watered via perforated or slotted pipe. This may be in or around plant roots for irrigation or simply in the landscape.
For passive watering using stormwater runoff, the gross pollutants must be kept out the drainage and this may be addressed in a number of ways:
a. for permeable paving lid the gross pollutants will not enter the pit
b. for a grated inlet the large items will be caught on the grate or pass over the grate. The smaller particles will enter the pit and will remain there until removed. There are various grate options so please feel free to discuss your order with Smart Soaker to ensure you receive the best one for you.
c. for stormwater pipes directly entering the pit the gross pollutants will remain in the pit until removed.
May be used for a new planting or retrofitted to existing plant.
Passive watering of trees and shrubs offsetting the need for active irrigation.
Getting water back into the landscape combating heat island effect, degradation of downstream waterways, etc.
Reducing stormwater runoff volumes generated by urbanization.
Replenishing groundwater.
Enhancing baseflows.
Trapping gross pollutants in the pit therefore reducing gross pollutant loads downstream.
Reducing soluble pollutant loads by reducing stormwater runoff.
Passive watering.
The Smart Soaker will typically be used in streetscapes where trees have been planted in impervious area severely limiting natural water recharge to get moisture to the root zone. Stormwater runoff will typically enter the pit lid (permeable pavement or grated) where any gross pollutant will be caught and remain in the sump until removed. Alternatively water may enter via a pipe directly into the side of the pit. The water in the pit will pass through a filter and enter a perforated pipe below or amoung the roots where exfiltration will supply water to the area. This may apply to existing plants or newly planted.
Landscape rejuvenation.
Water may enter the pit as for passive irrigation but may not be limited to stormwater as a source and the pit may not be adjacent a road way. The water in the pit passes through a filter before entering the perforated pipe to exfiltrate water into the landscape.