Smart Soaker

Smart Soaker directs water to subsoil drainage to replenish the landscape in general or to water a specific tree or shrub. The main purpose is to utilize stormwater for passive irrigation however other water sources may supply the Smart Soaker.

Smartsoaker is pleased to announce the availability of MUSIC modelling nodes. With the most recent release of MUSIC we are proud to report the excellent water quality improvements achieved by Smartsoaker to achieve best practice management targets.
We are really becoming to understand how the additional volumes of stormwater generated by our roof and pavement areas are degrading our urban creeks. Reducing this volume by harvesting or infiltration reduces this degradation. The new MUSIC nodes also more accurately estimate the total volume of stormwater given back to the environment be it passive tree watering or the watering the landscape in general by utilising Smartsoaker.
The new MUSIC nodes are available now. You can obtain a copy simply by going to the downloads page or by emailing me. A big thanks to Storm Consulting Pty Ltd for all their work in developing the nodes.

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